Good communication between crew and the skipper will ensure docking your vessel is carried out safely and efficiently.
Swearing and cursing from somewhere down the other end of the marina is a sure sign of this manoeuvre going horribly wrong, an all too familiar sign at times.
Berthing the vessel or docking is another example where knowing the correct procedures will save an enormous amount of confusion and frustration between each other.
How you approach the berth and the order in which mooring lines are passed ashore is entirely dependant on the Skipper, and could change with different circumstances and vessels.
Some general rules that will assist this process:
Fenders will always be a must. Make sure these along with your mooring lines are ready well before required.
Smooth berthing depends on preparation and any last minute running around just as your approaching will only add to the frustration and can cause problems that may lead to damage.
Don’t leave the vessel; you should be able to berth successfully without making a ͞leap of faith͟ from the safety of the deck to the marina.
If any mooring lines happen to drop into the water, retrieve it as soon as you can so that it doesn’t foul the propeller.
Stand out of the way of the skipper’s line of vision when approaching the berth.
Upon securing the vessel to the cleat or bollard pass the line around the base of the cleat with one round turn; then follow up with figure eights around the horns of the cleat.
I recommend to finish off with a half hitch of two to secure and prevent the line slipping.