Electrical offer

The go to for all electrical issues from GPS to shore power, from Stereos to lighting, AC/DC and water Desalination units and more.

Located at the entry to the Boatyard in Building L2, Infusion Marine & Electrical are qualified Electricians and Electronics technicians who have teamed up to simplify your boating needs.

If its got a wire they can sort it.

Comprehensive Marine Electrical.

Should a problem ever occur, experienced customer service technicians are available to perform diagnostic tests and restore proper operation as quickly a possible

If you have or are looking at Desalination systems they have the stock and can install and service them.

Unlimited options – Opening Soon

Infusion Marine & Electrical

Nathan | nathan@infusionelectrical.com | 0415 587 395

Nick | nick@infusionelectrical.com | 0421 484 931

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