Rod Twitchin Marine (RTM) and The Boat Works invite boat owners to take advantage of their haul out and time on the hardstand to rely on the experts at RTM to conduct a professional appraisal or diagnose any issues with their vessel.
Such inspections are extremely useful preparing ahead of the summer season, whether you’re heading offshore or cruising close to home, ahead of renewing insurance policies, before undertaking maintenance or repairs, or if you’re planning to sell your vessel.
“A lot of owners don’t realise the intricacies of their boat systems below the bilge plate, or don’t know this service is available at The Boat Works,” says Rod Twitchin, whose 35 years industry experience and qualifications as, Ships Master & Engineer, Marine Surveyor and Valuer equip him with unrivalled expertise in this area.
“Taking advantage of your boat’s time out of water make sense,” he continues. “Carrying out an inspection can identify any issues with your boat which may save you costly repairs. In the case of a pre-maintenance period, it can also ensure you aren’t under or over serviced.”
RTM Rod Twitchin Marine have devised five levels of inspection, catering to every requirements:
- Conduct visual and percussion inspections of the hull below waterline
- Conduct visual inspection of the hull, deck and superstructure
- Offer appraisals of engines and running gear
- Offer appraisals of ancillary systems aboard
- Conduct function tests of electrical appliances aboard including pump
- Offer appraisals of interior soft & hard fit outs including fixtures
- Document systems, componentry & electronics aboard
- Be present on board for sea trials if requested
- Identify any items that require further investigation, repair or replacement
- Formalise findings into a coloured report with reference photos
- Conduct visual and percussion inspections of the hull below waterline
- Conduct visual inspection of the hull, deck and superstructure
- Offer appraisals of running gear
- Conduct visual inspections of the machinery and ancillary systems aboard
- Document systems, componentry & electronics aboard
- Identify any items that require further investigation, repair or replacement
- Formalise findings into a coloured report with reference photos including any recent maintenance or upgrades conducted
- Conduct visual inspection of the hull, deck and superstructure where visible
- Offer visual appraisals of engines and ancillary systems aboard
- Offer appraisals of interior soft & hard fitouts including fixtures
- Document systems, componentry & electronics aboard
- Identify any items that require further investigation, repair or replacement
- Conduct valuation process
- Formalise findings into a coloured report with reference photos
- Conduct visual and percussion inspections of the hull below waterline
- Conduct visual inspection of the hull sides
- Offer appraisal of external running gear
- Identify any items that require further investigation, repair or replacement
- Formalise findings into a coloured report with reference photos
- Client meeting to discuss fault with vessel or systems
- Perform diagnostics aboard vessel
- Offer remedy of repair to client and suitable repairer
- Assist client throughout repair stage
- Final commissioning of repairs
“A Diagnostic Inspection is useful for an owner who suspects there’s an issue with their boat, but doesn’t know where to start. We can diagnose the problem and steer them to the right repairer for the job, and then if requested, we can oversee the work to ensure it’s done to the highest standard before they take to the water again.”
In terms of Insurance Assessments, RTM offers vessel owners thorough inspections, and are experienced in guiding you through the claims process and liaising with insurers and repairers.
“We would like to prompt people to carry out inspections while their boats are out of the water, to beat the summertime rush. And it’s certainly better to get it done before your policy renewal is due.”
With decades of hands-on experience on and off the water, Rod and his team of marine professionals at RTM have a proven reputation for delivering the highest quality marine surveys and services to clients with vessels of all makes and models, power and sail, privately-owned and commercial.
Based at the world-class facilities of The Boat Works, RTM assists boat owners, boat buyers, boat sellers, commercial operators and insurers with virtually everything required for easy, safe boating and smooth management.
From August until the end of October, RTMarine at The Boat Works are offering all boat owners, from 10-feet to 200-feet, a discount on their professional appraisal services.
Because every boat is different and every owner’s needs unique, so too the discount will be customised for your vessel.
Read More | Contact Rowdie direct #0412 641 614